Philippa Doyle

Kaituhi Tūtahi | Contributing Writer

Philippa Doyle (Pākehā - nō Netherlands, nō Northern Ireland) lives in Northland, Te Ahumairangi, Te Whanganui-a-Tara with her family. She is a Textile Artist, mother of three adult children, a volunteer for Good Bitches Bake, a soup maker for those having a tough time, a recovering Public Servant and an adoptee. Philippa uses textiles as a way of marking both the small and the big events of life - all significant in their own way.

Her work is a tangible way of making unseen and fleeting moments visible and enduring. She has been working on her craft / art for over 50 years, working predominantly in stitched works and quilts. Recent work has been exhibited at Coffee Conversations, Coridore Gallery, Wilton (2022), Fiesta NZ Quilt Symposium (2022) and Changing Threads, Contemporary Fibre Art Awards, Nelson (2019 & 2018).

She is a member of the Dirty Laundry Collective.

Instagram: @sustained_by_stitch

Everything By: Philippa Doyle


Dirty Laundry is a collective of artists and writers whose exhibition at Toi Pōneke explored invisible labour in the home. Here, they use images and words to stitch together a 'crazy quilt' about how they collaborate and carve space for creativity in their busy lives.


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The Pantograph Punch publishes urgent and vital cultural commentary by the most exciting new voices in Aotearoa.

The Pantograph Punch publishes urgent and vital cultural commentary by the most exciting new voices in Aotearoa.

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