On the 20th September, voters in the New Zealand General Election delivered a crushing defeat to the left. Hayden Eastmond-Mein, the Green Party's Campaign Social Media Advisor, shares a few quick thoughts as he comes down from the campaign.
From the comparative quiet backwaters of Taichung, Taiwan, New Zealanders Ron and Mark Hanson fought a valiant rearguard action to keep their art and culture magazine, 'White Fungus', in bloom. Stian Overdahl discovers how it's all finally paying off.
Aerosmith's Steven Tyler joins the team to send a vital, personal message to Lorde about "Royals", privilege, and the rock n' roll lifestyle.
Ahead of Artweek Auckland, organiser Amy Stewart talks about how she faced her trepidation, got her shit together, and figured out how to put her thoughts about art down on the page.
Political cartoonists: even they think they're dying. Ahead of their panel at the Going West Books and Writers Festival this Sunday, we chat to three of the best editorial cartoonists in the country about what it means to do what they do.
This fortnight: The soul-sapping no-win spectacle of Syria, Buzzfeed as a diplomatic mouthpiece, Miley and Gaga at the VMAs, how Breaking Bad brings out the worst in certain fans, and racial dot maps of the United States.
Ahead of National Poetry Day on Friday, we point to a few things worth hearing, seeing and quaffing at in the four centres.
April Fool's special: Changes at the Pantograph Punch, WhaleOil, and the Science of Selling out. Featuring new guest post by Michael Laws!